Wednesday, February 6, 2013

When we woke up...

The realization that I was in a dead end job and was turning into someone I hated. That happened. It took 4 1/2 years but it happened. Still trying to figure out what psychological damage I have that made me "stick it out" that long. But in the end, that really doesn't matter. I quit. And I never felt as good as I did that day.
Far too many people have this realization every single day. And the majority of them don't take that scary leap into the unknown and quit. "I have to pay my bills", "I have to do the grunt work before I can move up", "It's such a great foot in the door." We've probably each said those things a billion times either in our heads or out loud. I know I have. But what I realized recently is that the longer I made excuses, the longer I was going to be unhappy. So I stopped. One day, I just stopped.
No more excuses, no more justifications, no more selling myself short. I sat with a friend who, before we were friends I convinced to join me at that terrible job (she’s the other brain child behind this blog, Nic Rock), and we talked. And drank. And talked and drank. And like a breath of fresh air, or being struck by lightning - your choice, we looked at each other, laughed and at almost the exact same time exclaimed... "WHAT ARE WE DOING?!"
That moment, that very instant, we began the process of cutting our strings. And the landslide of amazing that has consistently occurred since has been somewhat overwhelming.
My posts on this blog are going to be funny, ridiculous, inappropriate at times, helpful, inspirational and motivating. We hope No Strings will be as life changing for you as it has been for us. Because it's not just a fad and it's not just a phase. It's a different outlook, a place to start your journey, and a place we hope you can come to be reminded that you are amazing. And you deserve a life with no strings.


What are the strings that hold you back? Fear of the unknown? Being comfortable where you are? Being overwhelmed about how to make a life change/career change/relationship change? Change might seem scary. To me, what’s really terrifying is the idea of never reaching my true potential because I have not allowed myself to, or pushed myself forward.
As Kristen and I sat (and drank) and talked about our current work “situation” (which we now appropriately refer to as “when we worked in Hell for Satan himself”), it became so crystal clear what the real problem was. We weren’t satisfied, we weren’t fulfilled, and we definitely weren’t happy – we were scared.
Once we gave each other a severe reality check, and reminded each other that we were smart, talented, and had so much to offer a company that wasn’t completely retarded, Kristen had found a new assistant position at a hedgefund in Manhattan, and quit Hell within four weeks. The look on her face was so happy, it could only be described as what Christmas morning would look like on a face.
My Christmas face came two months later, and my co-workers did say I hadn’t looked that happy since… well… they had never seen me that happy because I was always so freaking miserable there. Cutting the strings that held me to Hell was one of the best feelings I’ve had. The most satisfying part was probably telling Satan that I believed he was a liar, and a sexist, and tried to trick young ambitious women to work for him for well under the market price by offering them a career path that he never actually intended on following through on. And then when he offered me a $60K pay increase effective immediately, I said I was insulted, and that if I was worth $110K a year, he should’ve been paying me that the whole time I worked there.
Oh yeah, I’m Nic Rock. And when I cut strings, I cut them for good.


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