Wednesday, February 6, 2013

From the mouths of babes...

The day I first watched this video, it had 5,000 hits. Nicole shared it with me by posting it on my facebook wall, as she does so many awesome things. My first comment to her was "We need to find this kid."  So we super sleuthed and found him while he still had only 5,000 hits.  We exchanged emails and promised that one day we'd meet and exchange ideas.

You see, not only do we want to have free exchange of ideas with the likes of Bill Gates, but we want to have that with Kid President. Why talk shop with a little kid who hasn't experienced "reality" yet?  Because those of us who have experienced that reality forget how simple this world can be. Be amazing. Be awesome. Dance. And treat every day like it was your birthday.

8 million Youtube hits (as of today)... Kid President is onto something.  Let's not forget about him!

Kid President gives the world a pep talk and we listened!

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